Lila Express Launch

 In Blog: Lila Express

 second launch photo

Photo : Lara Bardsley Art

Lila Express is about creatively reflecting on life.  Lila is a Hindi word meaning “the play of life”.  I am an artist and a psychologist.   I have just begun documenting the stories of the everyday person and the artist, particularly their relationship with the transcendent:  that sense most of us have experienced at some stage in our life when we are transported from our everyday consciousness into a deeper sense of connection with ourselves.  Maslow, a psychologist, referred to this state as a “peak experience”, Jung, (a psychiatrist) referred to it as “the Self”, you and I may call it “fulfilment” or “wholeness” or many other things.  I believe it is within each of us.

Lila Express will present my musings and those of the people I have the chance to connect with.  As an artist with a large network of creatives and wonderful sensitive people around me, many of these musings will be visual or audio: film, fine art, photograph, interviews.

I’m looking forward to sharing this with you!

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